
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Dangers of Windy Conditions

On occasion we are forced to close the course due to extremely windy conditions.  The winds the course endured last night provided more evidence of why it is so important to do so.  Here is a photo of a tree that fell near #15 and #17 tee complex during last night's high winds:

30+ foot tall evergreen knocked down by 50+ km/h winds

Josh surveying the damage

Obviously this tree had wet feet and was very shallow-rooted, which undoubtedly contributed to it falling over, but we have many trees on this property in the same condition.  I'm just thankful that it happened overnight and not when the course was open for play.  Our policy is that we close the course when winds reach or exceed 65 km/h to ensure the safety of the golfers and staff.  The course then remains closed until either the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent deem if to be safe and ready for play.  Keep in mind, even if the winds die down, we often need a fair amount of time to clear the playing surfaces of debris before they are playable again.

Now, where's the chainsaw?  We've got some cleanup to do!

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