
Monday, May 11, 2015

Why Should Golfers Be Concerned About Grasses Getting Sick?

We continue to battle fusarium, a fungal turf disease, on the greens that are shaded from the morning sun.  Often we are left with no choice but to apply fungicides to control the spread of this resilient fungal pathogen.

Where we have removed trees around greens complexes that used to receive little or no morning sun, we have seen a significant reduction in disease incidence. "Turf Management 101" has proven to be correct again. With the recent tree removals around #7 green, we expect to see far less disease pressure as that green now receives FULL morning sun - a crucial component in maintaining healthy turf.

Time and time again, the USGA Green Section sends out very relevant turf maintenance articles that help greatly in getting our message across to golfers. Low and behold, another gem landed in my email inbox this morning. It explains just why Golf Course Superintendents all over the world do their best each and every day to provide healthy growing environments for turf. Through these efforts,Superintendents are able to do the following:
  • Provide the best possible playing conditions for the golfers
  • Save thousands and thousands of dollars by reducing the need to apply very costly control products, saving you in green fees or member dues
  • Continue to be environmentally responsible by making less of an impact on the environment
Please take a couple minutes to read the USGA Green Section article below...

Why Should Golfers Be Concerned About Grasses Getting Sick?
May 8th, 2015 by USGA Green Section

There are at least three very good reasons why golfers should know a little about the superintendent’s efforts to manage disease problems on turfgrass:

1) Some of the fungal and bacterial organisms that attack turf can result in severe damage – sometimes resulting in complete loss of turf cover and producing bad lies, bumpy putting and significant disruption to your round as the staff implements reestablishment efforts. Of course the loss of turf also detracts from the appearance of the course and can even slow down play if golfers are frequently having to take relief from areas marked as ground under repair.

2) Treating turfgrass disease outbreaks and repairing damaged areas is expensive. Golf course superintendents are extremely careful when they apply fungicides for two reasons. First, superintendents recognize their environmental responsibility to apply products only where and when they are absolutely needed. Second, disease-control products are so expensive that superintendents simply cannot afford to waste them through misuse. Treating large disease outbreaks can be a serious financial hit to any course, eventually that cost is passed on to the golfers via green fees or dues.

3) How can you as a golfer help? Your willingness to tolerate the efforts of the maintenance staff to promote healthy turfgrass is extremely helpful. Consider how some maintenance practices that all golfers despise impact the occurrence and severity of turfgrass disease problems.

a. Tree trimming and sometimes complete tree removal is necessary to provide light to turfgrass. These practices also result in improved air movement across playing surfaces which helps keep the turf dry. Most disease organisms thrive in shaded, moist environments – sometimes to the point that even applying a fungicide cannot completely stop disease activity.

b. Not even golf course superintendents like aeration. However, aeration improves drainage and creates a soil environment that promotes healthy roots which directly translates to stronger plants.

c. Turf that is grown in an environment with plenty of light, air movement, good drainage and properly cultivated soil is far less likely to suffer disease problems. Should a disease outbreak occur, turf in favorable growing environments often can grow through certain disease problems without the need to apply a fungicide. If damage does occur, turf in a good growing environment grows faster and is quick to recover.

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